Welcome to Cultivate Discovery

Our crowdfunding program to identify and fund ideas and projects we think should be pursued.

Spring 2020 campaign happening now.

Our Results & Achievements

Since 2015, we have held annual Cultivate Discovery campaigns. More than 500 people have participated and generated 198 ideas. With over 4,300 individual investments across those ideas, we funded 58 projects. Some of those projects have been completed, others are still in progress. Way to go team –we can’t wait to see what new ideas we come up with next!

How this works

Together we think of projects and ideas, then individually make small investments to "crowdfund" an idea’s budget.

More Information

You can keep track of the project and learn more about how it works by following this link. Please contact Beata Konsewicz for questions


Kaitlin Browman and Phil Hajduk are the executive sponsors.